Choose your connectors from our catalog

Skolengo can interconnect with most of the business connectors on the market. You can choose from over 70 connectors in our catalog.
L'connectors can be activated in two ways:
  • either autonomouslybased on the CAS (Central Authentication Services) protocol (without the intervention of Skolengo teams);
  • or by being guided by Skolengo teams.

Would you like to find out more about our expertise in interoperability and advanced integration with your information system?

See interoperability and integration possibilities

Here is a list of our business connectors

However, if you wish to set up your ownspecific connectorsnot listed below, our teams can also help you.
  • Agate
  • AGE12
  • Angel 1D
  • Alise
  • Aplon
  • Apogée
  • Learning with the Data set
  • Aurion
  • BCDI
  • BRNE
  • Knowledge mapping
  • CDM-Fr
  • Cerise Pro / Cpro
  • Charlemagne
  • CNS
  • Cocktail
  • Contact Office
  • DeepL
  • Flash delegate
  • Dropbox
  • Ecole Directe
  • EducArte
  • Educhorus
  • Educonnect
  • Edulib
  • EduMedia
  • Eduthèque
  • Encyclopédie Universalis & Encyclopédie Universalis Junior
  • E-sidoc
  • FCA manager
  • Folios
  • Gabriel
  • GAR - Digital Resources Access Administrator
  • Generation 5
  • GEPI
  • GPO
  • GRR
  • Educational counselling guide
  • HAL
  • Harpège
  • I-Prof
  • INA Milestones
  • INA Lights on Rhône-Alpes
  • KNE
  • The key to words
  • Labomep
  • The school book
  • Read the news
  • Single School Report (LSU)
  • Ma Cl@sse Virtuelle
  • MadMagz
  • M@gistère
  • Maxicours
  • MindView
  • Moodle
  • Myriaé
  • NetEduc Cloud
  • Office 365
  • Wave
  • Onisep
  • Paraschool
  • PeartTrees
  • PMB - document management tool
  • Proginov
  • ProNote
  • Retronews
  • SACoche
  • Sage
  • Scolinfo
  • Sésamath
  • School Information System
  • Tactilea
  • TurboSelf
  • UnDeuxTEMPS
  • UNI
  • Universalis
  • Visiocolle
  • YPareo

Do you have a question about your interoperability needs?

Contact us now!