What does Skolengo do for a Private education School?
What does Skolengo do for a Private education School?
A true collaborative workspaceSkolengo is already deployed in over 3,600 schools in France and abroad (private schools and French high schools in the AEFE network). This software suite is modular: activate only the Services you need:
Kosmos and Asrec Centre have joined forces to offer a comprehensive solution for Private education schools. By combining their business expertise in education and technology, they offer schools services covering all their needs: communication, Teaching, Schooling, administrative and financial management, accounting and payroll.
Promote your School project via an easy-to-administer public web page
Use Skolengo's public Home page service to inform and promote your School project. No need for an experienced webmaster, it's very easy to use and several contributors can publish information.
Communicate effectively with your Educational community
A number of tools are available to help you create links within your Educational community. You can easily target your messages at your teaching staff, families or administrative and financial staff:
Boost your teaching activities and provide individual support
Skolengo offers a range of Services to ensure Teaching differentiation to individualize learning. For example, activities can be distributed by Class(es), group(s) or to one or more Students. You can also vary the way you reply to an exercise (text to write, audio recording, etc.). You can also run inverted classes and accompanied classes, thanks to a number of Skolengo features.
Tools are also available to help students develop their autonomy.
Ensure personalized follow-up for each Student with the Schooling pack
Schooling :
Your School can adopt a system ofGrade and/or Skills-based Grading.. It is therefore possible to operate with classes classes without Grades and track the progress of Skills acquisition.
The Schooling module module also provides access to Student records. In addition to the usual information, you can associate theAESH or Teaching tutor with the Student he or she is looking after, and quickly detect any school dropoutsvia alerts, and automatically identify situations ofabsenteeism. Other tools are available to help you prepare and run your Class councils.
Discover the Schooling module on video
Timetable :
Skolengo also includes a module for Timetable design module module, allowing you to weekly Timetable management.
With a Timetable integrated into your ENT, you benefit from numerous advantages: 100% reliable compatibility, interconnection of Services...
Skolengo's Timetable software is easy to use and efficient. step-by-stepintuitive group management, Timetable layout (ULIS, UPE2A...), data exchange between Absence(s) and Grading duty, no import errors.
Discover Skolengo Timetable software
Request a demo
Simplify your administrative and financial settings
Skolengo helps you :
simplify your registration management by dematerializing your pre-registration and re-registration campaigns.
Skolengo allows you to efficiently track canteen, self-service and cafeteria visits, create your own badges and track meal reservations and payments online.
Create links between families and teachers with the Mobile application
The Skolengo mobile application, dedicated to families and Teachers, is available on iOS and Google Play!
It gives parents and students direct access to essential information such as Timetables, Assignment(s), Grades, Report Cards and School News.Families can also use it to report an absence, indicate the reason(s), pay online or top up a wallet.
Teachers can also Consult their Timetables, the contents of their Organiser, find Pieces of work sent to students and access their School's Mailbox to reply to a message.
If you are equipped with Schooling software SkolengoAttendance register software, you can easily do the registering with your smartphone. You'll be able to indicate absent students or notify the infirmary of a departure at any time.