Online help with customized Resources (from kindergarten to post-baccalaureate)
Rédaction SMS Skolengo
Sending SMS
Benefit from a fast, reliable communication tool to warn parents of events affecting their Child's Schooling life.With SMS, notify parents instant notification parents of a one-off, unforeseen or urgent event, such as a Student's absence, the closure of a class or the arrival of students abroad on a school trip.
Sending SMS messages is easily and simply from the Schooling Dashboard, Student record and Class record.. This means you can send SMS from your ENT, even if you haven't activated Skolengo's Schooling module.You can order SMS credits directly from your ENT.
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Benefit from a multilingual, easy-to-manage website. This service is designed for Schools to build their own public School website, and institutions managing School networks to provide Local authority portals, academic portals, a project portal, and Schools portals organized as a network of portals.
Ergonomic and attractively designedthe website service makes it possible to showcase the life of the Schoolto promote disseminate information and with the Educational community..
It can also be used to promote Local authority initiatives and territorial policies for institutions.
Develop exchanges within the entire Educational community in private mode with our intranet service. Via a single accountthe User has access to a complete full range of Services tailored to the needs of students, teachers, CPEs and School principals. Parents also have an account enabling them to track their children's Schooling and carry out online procedures.
Social Mailbox
The School has an internal and external Mailbox internal and external to facilitate exchanges with the Educational community.
Thisenvironment communication environmentsecure to ensure school-specific Practices and protect data exchanged between users, and in particular with under-age minors.
The Mailbox has been designed specifically for business business needs and thus simplify day-to-day use for its users. for its users.
Skolengo provides form templates for conduct surveys and polls, as well as analyze and manage replies after the fact..
On the Teaching sideThe Teacher can distribute a multiple-choice question and answer form on a given topic to all students. This gives them an almost instant overview of their students' levels and learning achievements. They can then adapt their Course(s) accordingly and differentiate their teaching methods.
On the administrative sideIn addition to the administrative side, management teams can collect authorizations for school outings, or canvass parents to choose the next school trip.
At a glance, the User has a complete complete view of their schedule. He can enter all his own events, and overlay all personal and group agendas. personal and group agendas (textbooks, resource reservations, etc.). (Organiser, Resources booking...).
Diaries can also be imported and exported.
agenda personnel
communication multicanale Skolengo
Multi-channel communication
Multi-distribute your information easily via e-mails, or SMSand Direct mailing and Targeted communicationtoincrease their visibility. You can also multi-publish information on your different Portals.
With SMS, the School can quickly quickly communicate with parents. For example, after receiving the attendance register, the School sends an SMS to the parents of absent children to let them know.
With Targeted communication, the Regional education authority portal or a school can carry out mass communication actions aimed at specific targets of users users, in particular to communicate important information. The sender has full control over the target audience before the message is sent, as well as the way it is distributed on the ENT according to the user's profile (news, announcements and Mailbox).
Our customers testify
Skolengo's Mailbox enables communication with families when parents are not necessarily present at the School. Conversely, families can communicate with teachers to clarify points discussed in Class, inform them of difficulties encountered, etc.
Sylvie Hochart, School Principal, ENT Project 27 (Eure)
Generations are moving ever faster in the use of cell phones. There are more and more parents who don't have Internet access at home, but who always have their phone close at hand. So it's on their phones that they consult the ENT the most.
Florent Hassler, School Principal, CyberCollege Project (Loire)
Skolengo's Portal enables us to inform students, families and education professionals about the initiatives put in place by the Region to promote knowledge of careers. Skolengo gives us the opportunity to provide them with a veritable toolbox of information.
Vanessa Bertrand, Head of the Training and Teaching Tools Department, Ma Class en Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes Project
The strong point of the tool is the direct link that management and Teachers can have with families. A multitude of communication tools are integrated into a single solution: the right tool for every Practices.