Organize your virtual classes and virtual administrative meetings
synergie entre équipes sur skolengo
Synergy between teams
Blog, forum, chat, Class space...
ressources numériques sur skolengo
Digital resources
Access a wide range of Digital resources
The Blog
The Blog allows you to write multimedia multimedia content (containing text, sound, images or video), with the option of attaching attach documents (word, pdf...) or forms. forms.
It offers apredefinedergonomic and easy-to-use template to make Deliver attractive, team-authored content.
The Students and Teachers can use the Blog to publish, among other things articlesarticles presentationsand school trips and outings.
The School principal can use it to distribute informationsuch as Class councils' reports to School staff.
School Principals can also use it to send documents and information to class delegates. documents and information to class representatives.
Organize your face-to-face and/or remote meetings in your Agenda in just 1 click.
Each user (except "Student" and "Parent" profiles) cancreate (Shared) events from their personal agenda.
From notifications are sent to guests via the Mailbox and theevent appears in their agendas.
It's a secure service RGPD-compliant and hosted in France.
With this service, you can organizevirtual virtual classes but also virtual Settings meetings.
These tools automatically automatic registration in the ENT of documents created, but also automatic backup while the User is working. All documents can beviewed and edited.
They enable multiple users towork on the same document at the same time.
ressources numériques sur skolengo
ressources numériques sur skolengo
Shared folders
Make teamwork easier by using Shared folders to store content.
Shared folders are a common storage space in which content can be filed in dedicated files with adjustable access rights.
School principals can make specific documents available to their staff in Shared folders, such as Absence(s) authorization formsforms documents studied during a Board of Settings sessionetc.
Teachers use it to make available documents sorted according to documents classified according to the themes studied.
Easily exchange information about class life from a distance, thanks to the Class space!
The Class space enables teachers and students toexchange and share information in addition to Course(s).
To facilitate exchanges between students and teachers alike, each teacher has his or her own Class space, featuring features such as Blog, Forum and Shared folders.
Teachers can also use their Class space to developcommunication to parents by posting articles. For example, they can provide information on the organization of school trips, Class councils' minutes for parent delegates, etc.
ressources numériques sur skolengo
ressources numériques sur skolengo
Resources booking
Book all your material resources in just one click.
With the Resources booking service, School staff with access rights can visualize and reserve the material resources available to them via a Dashboard.
Equipment reservations automatically appears in the Resources Agenda.
In particular, they can reserve IT equipment (projectors, cameras, tablets, ipads, etc.), rooms (IT, multi-purpose, sports), etc.
Our users testify
With Skolengo, I've succeeded in creating a real collaborative working environment with the Students, making it easier for them to produce podcasts. Thanks to the blog, forum, agenda and shared folders, the students have become familiar with collaborative working. Bruno ConrardTeacher
Mon Bureau Numérique project (Eastern France)
Boost your teaching activities and provide individual support for each student