Our company is registered as a training provider for its Skolengo solution registered under N°52 44 07474 44 with the Prefect of the Pays de la Loire Region. Our team of experienced trainers will support you every step of the way in using the Skolengo solution.
Our training organization has obtained Qualiopi certification in 2021 for its Skolengo software for its Skolengo software solution. This certification confirms the quality quality of processes Home, training and support processes implemented by our training organization. This certification also enables our customers and users to be eligible for OPCO-type funding.
formateurs expérimentés, pour vos formations ENT Skolengo
Experienced trainers
The training department is headed by a Teaching Manager who designs and monitors the implementation of adapted to each user's profile. user profile.
The team is made up of a dozen trainers with profiles asTeaching engineers and e-learning designers.
Specialists in the field of digital education, our team of trainers are masters of training facilitation techniques and benefit from proven field experience. Having all participated in several deployments of the Skolengo solution, they can provide you with concrete and operational Reply throughout the training course. They are also trained throughout the year in all the product's functional of the product.
Our training offer
Who can benefit from our training courses?
Our training courses are designed for anyone using the Skolengo solution.
Our training courses are adapted to disabled personnel. To ensure that the training is properly organized, the training team must be informed in advance of any adaptation of content or training methods. As face-to-face training takes place on premises made available by our customers, Home conditions on training sites are provided by the training sponsors. For any further information, please contact our disability referent: rh@skolengo.com
formateurs expérimentés, pour vos formations ENT Skolengo
formateurs expérimentés, pour vos formations ENT Skolengo
How does the training work?
Training courses are delivered face-to-face or distance learning. All face-to-face training is provided on premises made available by our customers. Our training courses can be delivered to one or more customers simultaneously (inter-School training).
The training courses presented in the catalog can be adapted to the specific organizational needs of our customers. For all such requests, please contact our Teaching referentreferent-pedagogique@skolengo.com.
Training methods are based on the business case studies using our software functionalities. Training is provided either in the customer's own application context, or on a training platform provided by the trainer.
Consult the training catalogue*. *No prerequisites or ranking test are required to access our training courses (unless otherwise specified on the relevant training record).
Key figures for our training activities
We collect and analyze suggestions and feedback from our customers to continually adapt and improve our training methods. Over the fiscal year 2023-2024(calculated on the fiscal year from April 1 to March 31), we ran almost 134 training sessions and trained over 1,500 people (mainly School principals, Teachers and CPEs).
We also carried out 95 personalized coaching sessions for schools.