Skolengo Academy, the community of Skolengo users, offers multimedia content and resources created by and for users. Aimed at all users (managers, administrators, schooling staff, teachers, families, etc.), Skolengo Academy provides access to a wealth of content and videos to help users get to grips with Skolengo or learn how to use it more effectively. Skolengo Academy is aimed at a community of over 5 million users.
How do I connect to Skolengo Academy?
Profiled and adapted resources (from kindergarten to post-baccalaureate)
- Online help,
- Downloadable guides,
- Tutorials,
- Webinars...
Find out what's new at Skolengo
You'll be of the latest product developments and as well as user tips and tricks suggested by the community.
Year-round training on site or in virtual class
- Choose your program from our training catalog
- Opt for a specific training program on an issue specific to your School.
Discover our training courses
Become a player in your community!
Share your own Resources (tutorials, videos, testimonials...),
Co-host Webinars to propose innovative Skolengo Practices,
Suggest for new Webinars or tutorials,
Contribute to the evolution of the community site via the suggestion box.
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