L'Education Management Software(EMS) is designed for grandes écoles, universities and other post-baccalaureate schools and institutes. It aims to federate all players internal or external to the School around a single software package, and to benefit from a range of services dedicated to higher education..
Unite the community around a personalized package of Services
Skolengo s'interconnecte avec Office 365
Simplified exchanges
Streamline communication with your students
Skolengo s'interconnecte avec Office 365
Secure register
Edit your official documents with ease :
Schooling certificates, Internships agreements...
Key Services
dedicated to higher education
Skolengo s'interconnecte avec Office 365
CMS - Site Factory
Use a single turnkey Settings interface for all your websites. Simplify your organization and develop a network of contributors for greater efficiency.
Multilingual, multisite, multi-publication.
Skolengo s'interconnecte avec Office 365
Intranet / ENT
Take advantage of all the Services of an intranet to communicate and publish information in a targeted way. Enhance the User experience with progressive web applications (PWA or Progressive web app) via an ENT Services Portal.
Skolengo s'interconnecte avec Office 365
Training catalog
Benefit from high-performance Settings and presentation software to promote your school's or university's training offer.
Skolengo s'interconnecte avec Office 365
Training courses
An interactive digital tool that enables students to build their own individual training program, and helps them to understand the bridges available within the different courses.
Skolengo s'interconnecte avec Office 365
Digital tools to help with Educational counselling and professional integration, to enhance students' training and career paths.
Timetables available everywhere
Students can access their Timetable directly on their smartphone!
Timetable software available anywhere, anytime
Real-time updating of modifications
Notification of changes possible
Progressive web app for enhanced User experience
Skolengo s'interconnecte avec Office 365
Other services are also available via your unique account!
Visioconférence Skolengo Videoconference tool integrated into Skolengo