Virtual class and meetings: think Videoconference!

Published on January 13, 2021 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

Take advantage of Skolengo's integrated Videoconference service to organize your virtual classes and administrative meetings in hybrid mode or 100% remotely.

With this Videoconference servicevideoconferencing serviceyou can create your virtual class your virtual class or meeting from your Personal agenda or Organiser.

As this service is integrated into Skolengo, you can simplify and secure access since no account needs to be created, and only users with an active ENT account can access Videoconference or Virtual class.

See the main features of the > service

Visioconférence Skolengo : lancez-vous !
Visioconférence Skolengo : lancez-vous !

Are you a Videoconference user who hasn't yet tried it out? Then get started!

Organize your first Virtual class or Videoconference meeting!

Here are some resources to help you:

  1. To make your first Virtual classConsult our infographic summarizing the 3 key stages in organizing a virtual class.
  2. To limit hardware-related connection problems (microphones and webcams), download and distribute this audio and video connection guide to all participants
  3. Consult thedetailed online help dedicated to Videoconference on the Skolengo Academy space (authenticated access*)
  4. Watch the Webinar dedicated to Videoconferencing Discover the best practices for your virtual classes and Videoconference meetings. This Webinar is available on the Skolengo Academy website (authenticated access*).

*If you are unable to access Skolengo Academy, please Consult our article : how to access Skolengo Academy Resources ?

Videoconference: testimonials and Practices

Secondary school Bonsecours - Arsène76 project in Seine-Maritime, France

A presentation of the Virtual class was made to the President of the County.. Itconsisted in simulating a situation in which students are "case contact" with Covid. Part of the students followed their Course(s) normally in class, and the other part was at a distance (for the purposes of the simulation, a small group of students representing the "contact cases" was installed in the CDI). Find out more about the Secondary school's other Videoconference practices in the full article.

Only Students with an ENT account on Arsene76 can connect via Videoconference.

Webcollège project in Seine-Saint-Denis

Authors and Secondary-school students exchange ideas via Videoconference at the Salon du Livre et de la Presse Jeunesse.

The Videoconference service was very much appreciated, as it takes up current practices known to all (invitations via the ENT personal agenda, interaction with students via chat or hand raising, etc.).