Timetable software: design and manage your timetable easily with Skolengo
Skolengo offers management teams a simple tool for designing and managing daily schedules, with a modern, intuitive interface. Designed in collaboration with management teams, the Timetable software provides a range of support tools to guide management teams in the construction and day-to-day management of their schedules.
Timetable: a key tool for back-to-school success
Distributing the Timetable to students and teachers is the School principal's first major action, and contributes to the success of the new school year. success of the new school year. With this comprehensive software management software, the management team can present optimized schedules optimized Timetables adapted to the rhythms of the Studentsas well as to the different Teaching wishes of the Teachers.
Whether for the design or day-to-day management of the Timetablethis software supports the User step by step, with a range of tools to help assistance and decision-making tools (dashboards (Dashboards, filters, automatic placements, Job title optimization...).
As this Timetable software is 100% web-basedInternet access is all you need to access it anytime, anywhere, and no installation or updates are required.
Discover the Timetable software integrated into your ENT.
Discover Timetable software on video
Skolengo's integrated Timetable service
With Skolengo's integrated Timetable software, Users can work in a unique single environment environment simplifies exchangesbetween different IT systems, and also between school teams.
In fact, this Timetable software and the ENT are published by the same edited by the same designer. So when a modification is made to the Timetable, it is carried over transferred in real time on ENT services such as theSchooling management software(Attendance registers) and the school's Organiser.This avoids anycompatibility problemsand guaranteesdata reliability.
A time-saving for the School principal, and an immediate immediate benefit for users of the various Services.
I schedule a demo of the Timetable software
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