The Forum facilitates communication with Students

Published on April 30, 2021 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

With the Forum, teachers, School staff and students can exchange ideas in a collaborative discussion area on a variety of common topics, if this service has been activated on a section.

Start a discussion thread on ENT with the Forum

The Forum is a secure discussion forum. The Forum Administrator has the option of moderating comments.

To find out how to set up a forum: Consult the tutorial "How to run a forum".

During this period of distance learning, the Forum is a collaborative tool that can be used to ensure teaching continuity.

Using the ENT forum to ensure teaching continuity

To ensure pedagogical continuity, Mr. Jean-Michel Delaune, Principal of the Secondary school Louise Michel in Saint Etienne de Rouvray, used the Skolengo ENT forum and chat to provide effective tutoring during a period of distance learning. These services enabled him to set up a collaborative Reply box.

He created a "Reply box" section in the ENT, in which he opened a forum and a Chat. Students can access the forum via a direct link on the Home page, as well as indications on how to participate in the chat. By setting up these events, students will be able to get answers to their questions about activities and Assignment(s), as well as support in their learning.

The chat is led by the teaching assistant in charge of the "Assignment(s)" program and a guest speaker. It takes place 2 hours a day, four times a week. During these live exchanges, students can ask for explanations or help with an Assignment(s) they have to complete. Students feel supported and accompanied in their learning.