Skolengo obtains Qualiopi certification for its software suite
[Press release]
We are proud to announce that Skolengo has obtained Qualiopi certification on November 24, 2021, for its training activities.
This certification confirms the quality of the information, Home, training and support processes implemented by our training organization.
This certification also enables our customers and Users to be eligible for funding from OPCOs (Opérateurs de Compétences, a state-approved body responsible for supporting vocational training) such as AKTO.
How does our training center meet the 7 Qualiopi certification criteria?
Based on the Qualiopi National Quality Repository (RNQ) referred to in article L.6316-3 of the French Labor Code, Qualiopi certification aims to "attest to the quality of the processes implemented for Skills development initiatives, and make the training offering more transparent to companies and users". It is issued for a period of 3 years, and includes an initial audit and a follow-up (or surveillance) audit.
1. Informing the public
Our training offer is accessible to all on our website via our online catalog. The overall satisfaction rate is 83% (study conducted between 2019 and 2020 based on a 51% Reply rate to the survey).
2. Identify and adapt training objectives
We gather and analyze our customers' needs, using a tried-and-tested analysis methodology (mind map, analysis grid, workshop), to propose a training program tailored to their needs. We can also adjust our training catalog and design tailor-made courses to meet identified objectives.
3. Adapting our training methods to our learners
All training and Grading procedures are accessible via a dedicated online training area. Thanks to this space, each trainee benefits from individualized service, support and follow-up.
4. Implement teaching, technical and supervisory resources
Throughout the training process, trainees are supported by an expert team dedicated to training. The team is made up of qualified trainers (with a trainer's diploma), teaching and administrative advisors, and a disability advisor. Training courses are delivered either face-to-face at our customers' premises or remotely via our online platforms.
5. Qualify and develop trainers' knowledge and skills
To ensure the quality of our services, each trainer is graded annually on his or her product knowledge and skills. Each trainer follows a specific Skills development program, and is given regular demonstrations of new product developments throughout the year. In addition, a bi-monthly training follow-up committee is organized to monitor our training satisfaction indicators.
6. Involvement in our professional environment
To ensure the ongoing evolution of our training services, we actively monitor the world of training from a legal, methodological and teaching innovation point of view.
7. Take into account trainee assessments and complaints
To encourage the continuous improvement of our Services, we collect feedback from our trainees and provide them with a dedicated complaints procedure.
Certification was awarded without any non-conformities, even minor ones, from the initial audit.
Qualiopi certification guarantees the continuous improvement of our training programs in terms of quality and industrial follow-up, to provide an ever better response to the needs of our Users.
Thierry Paccault, Teaching referent
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