Skolengo ENT for innovative teaching practices

Published on March 16, 2021 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

With Skolengo ENT, Teachers can implement a wide range of innovative practices. Discover some of the Practices developed by Teachers!

Setting up an inverted Class

  • Classics

A Classics teacher at the Jacques-Callot Secondary school in Neuves-Maisons, Blandine Hombourger uses the flipped Classroom to accomplish her Teaching missions.

For example, for the chapter studied in third-year Class entitled "Utopia, dreams or nightmares? "she poses the following question to her students: "Why do fictional stories use the theme of utopia to make us think about our society? What kind of future do they show us: an ideal city or a nightmarish one? ".

In this chapter, she seeks to nourish their imaginations through reading and analysis. Her students are invited to establish links between literary and artistic works from different cultures and eras: from Plato to G. Orwell.

The inverted Class comes in at the end of the sequence, prior to a longer piece of writing on their own utopian conception. It thus becomes a writing lever every day for a week, they'll discover a granule a granule made up of new elements which they must comment on, annotate, complete, test and assimilate via their EMS-ENT and its dedicated spaces, so as to be be able to follow the assignment in class on the day of the writing session..

A QR-code is first placed in the the Organiser It leads to the inverted Class and the first capsule. This provides an initial opportunity for discovery. A forum is also available on the ENT for Students to make their own suggestions. Six stages await them day after day.

The writing process is made easier, and the Students feel more confident and at ease when tackling this demanding exercise. I've noticed a clear difference between Pieces of work structured around a #Class-Inversee and those without. The productions are richer and, above all, better constructed.

  • In Life and Earth Sciences (SVT)

Skolengo certifié Qualiopi

Christelle Jacquemin, SVT teacher at the collège des deux Sarres in Lorquin, Moselle, is working with her 6th grade students on the notion of the cell. The Students will have to prepare a microscopic slide and observe under a microscope. This is something new for the 6th graders, who have rarely seen a microscope before.

It offers them a reversed course "built with Genially, which she uploads to the the Class space blog reserved for SVT in 6th grade. The first step is to watch a video at home, followed by a questionnaire to check that they've understood how to use a microscope. A questionnaire (created with LaQuizinière) is given to Students via the Organiser. The replies to the questionnaire enable him to set up groups for the first Observation in Class.
The principle is the same throughout the reversed path sequence: the knowledge concepts are given in video form at home, and the practice takes place in class.

This frees up time in the SVT Class to manipulate. On the other hand, I can see immediately (and before the Lesson) which students seem to be in difficulty, and I can individualize the work I propose to them BEFORE they arrive in class. The inverted Class also enables me to see which points of the lesson have been mostly understood and which still need to be reviewed in greater depth.

Read the full testimonial

Setting up an accompanied Class

Using the MBN ENT, Marjorie Tonnelier, a Teacher in the History-Geography-EMC department, has developed an accompanied Class. Its aim is to develop Student autonomy. Unlike the flipped classroom, with the accompanied class everything takes place in class. Students work alone or in pairs.

Thanks to this teaching practice, the teacher will be able to manage the heterogeneity of different students.

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The Teacher prepares long activities in advance in the Teaching binder.. The layout of the Teaching binder and the tools offered (integration of video, pdf, illustrations and audio recordings) enable the Teacher to guide the Student: activity objectives, instructions, videos, etc., are all included.

Read the full testimonial

Setting up a web radio

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Bruno Conrard, History - Geography - Moral and Civic Education teacher at Secondary school Raymond Poincaré in Bar le Duc, has set up a webradio station at his school.

His students meet twice a week to come up with topics, write them up and then record them. As soon as the project was up and running, he created a Sections section visible to all students, teachers and parents to simplify exchanges. For student writers, he activated the blog, forum, agenda, shared folders and Pad. The Blog allows students to prepare the topic of their presentation. With the Forum, they can ask others for information at any time. Shared folders enable students to exchange research projects and retrieve files. And thanks to the Pad, they can create collaborative articles remotely.

With all these features, the Students have become familiar with collaborative working.
These tools made it easier for them to write their topic. Students then record their podcast with the help of a Radio Meuse FM presenter. The recordings are then broadcast on this radio station.

Moreover, to develop communication Bruno Conrard has also created a dedicated insert on the School's Home page.