Saint-Louis Crest school optimizes catering management with Skolengo

Published on February 25, 2021 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

Sophie CHAUVET, Accounting Manager, "Families - Catering" department, Groupe St Louis Crest, uses the Catering module, a school canteen management software integrated with Skolengo. Since its arrival in 2016, the module has undergone numerous business evolutions that have optimized the tracking of canteen passages, billing and online registrations.

By using Skolengo, this School with over 1,200 students (nursery school, primary school, secondary school and general and vocational high school) has gained in efficiency in its catering management.

Skolengo certifié Qualiopi

Intuitive school canteen software

The school canteen management software integrated with Skolengo is easy to learn. It's an intuitive solution. All those in charge of monitoring or managing the school canteen quickly adopted it.

For more specific needs, Skolengo's support is very responsive, providing us with relevant solutions and advice. A real relationship of trust has been established with the Skolengo teams, which has confirmed our choice of service provider, in addition to the business quality of the solution.

Efficient management of school catering

The Catering module is a flexible solutionthat adapts to the specific needs of each school level, from primary to secondary.

To keep track of canteen use at Secondary school and High school, the School uses a Tablet with contactless badge reader. This gives the supervisor in charge of follow-up greater freedom of movement. Simply swiping the Student's card over the reader registers his or her attendance at the canteen. Supervisors can filter passages by Class, check student attendance and be alerted in real time to any anomaly multiple passages, card debit thresholds, etc.

To manage the Primary school catering service, we only use the online reservation and year-round registration services offered by the Skolengo solution.

Gestion passages Skolengo restauration
Gestion passages Skolengo restauration

By deploying a single solution to manage all school catering operations in the School, from Primary school to High school, the teams have gained in efficiency. It's a real time-saver to benefit from a complete and flexible business solution.

Paiement en ligne skolengo restauration
Paiement en ligne skolengo restauration

Online services tailored to the needs of parents

Online services for canteen registration and payment in the dedicated parents' area give parents greater flexibility, autonomy and a real time-saving. Parents can register their child in just a few clicks.register their Child in just a few clicks for the year or occasionally (canteen registration and paymentpayment directly online).

Our School has also set up a wallet service. Parents of Secondary-school students can credit their wallet directly online and pay for canteen or cafeteria meals for their child.

Flexible configuration of canteen software

Skolengo's Catering module is a powerful and flexible tool that enables me to carry out meticulous financial management.

The School has fine-tuned the software to ensure that it can be monitored and managed as closely as possible to their needs. Given that the School covers education from primary school through to the end of secondary school, several Services work simultaneously on different sites (school, middle school, high school, boarding school) and for different audiences: 3 cafeteria services, 1 canteen service for the Secondary school and High school, 1 service for the school canteen, 1 picnic service, 1 self-service for the boarding school.

For Sophie Chauvet, head of Family & Catering accounting, Skolengo's school catering management software "has a number of features that optimize the management of school catering. many features to optimize catering management such as follow-up of reminders via Direct mailing or SMSand filtering of negative balancesfiltering the ability to export payment listslists reservation and passage lists by Class and by School (school / Secondary school / General and vocational high schools), the possibility to sort shopping lists by day, by month and by wallet. "

In addition to the traditional monitoring of students' presence in the canteen, I find that the powerful targeting of the lists in the Catering module is a real asset for monitoring registrations and invoicing.

Today, the School also uses the extra-curricular activities management serviceservice integrated with the Skolengo solution to track Student registrations for the extra-curricular period.
After the lockdown, as classes had to be reduced in size, the School made exceptional use of this service to track students enrolled in courses. In this way, the school was able to manage the flow of Students present in a reactive manner.

logiciel de gestion de la cantine scolaire Skolengo
logiciel de gestion de la cantine scolaire Skolengo

Gestion de la cantine scolaire