[News] Statistics service to evolve in 2023

Published on February 23, 2023 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

The Statistics service is evolving. More modern and visual, this service enables you to track your ENT Practices in real time.

The 4 main benefits of the new Statistics service

  1. From filters for more detailed data analysis
  2. The ability to select a specific period to Consult data
  3. L'data export in csv format allows you to customize your Statistics and create your own Dashboards
  4. More precise analysis of Practices of all ENT Servicesservices: Grades, Absence(s), Organiser, Mailbox...
Skolengo Analytics Filtres
Skolengo Analytics Filtres

New Statistics service (Skolengo Analytics)
Skolengo Analytics Services
Skolengo Analytics Services

Graphs showing the most frequently used ENT services and their distribution by User profile

Focus on steering actions at Local authority level

For institutions managing School networks, you can use the Statistics service to analyze data at the level of a Region, one or more Counties, or one or more Schools. And if you'd like to build your own graphical representations, the tool lets you export all indicators and data in CSV format, so you can exploit them in the spreadsheet of your choice.
Data is updated daily for User accounts and in real time for visits, so you can consult the latest connection information at any time.

Deployment of this new service

This service is available to all Schools already using the Statistics service, or on request.
It can be accessed from your ENT via the Statistics menu.

If you'd like to find out more, Consult theonline help dedicated to the Statistics service on Skolengo Academy..

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