[New] Re-registration service evolves

Published on April 3, 2023 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

In addition to their Orientation wishes, Schools can request more information from families and update their information.

Save time updating Student and Parent information during the re-enrolment process

The re-registration tool is now complete, allowing the Administrator to ask families to update their informationwhenonline registrationthrough these new steps:

  • Contact details for students and legal guardians
  • Administrative documents (passport, bank details, etc.)
  • Summary file

étapes de réinscription scolarité
étapes de réinscription scolarité
Re-registration steps and "Summary" step with file submission


At the summary stage, the parent can submit the signed submit the signed re-enrolment file directly.For the School, it will appear directly on the Student record.

The Administrator can customize each stage of the re-registration process, i.e. choose to adding, deleting, making mandatory fields and give parents the optionparents to update the information.

In this way, contact details for families and Students are automatically automatically updated in your school's database. of your School.
Mise à jour des champs
Mise à jour des champs
Update fields for Parent

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