[New] Grading: "Pending" status
Published on March 1, 2022 by Laure
Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01
Teachers can now assign a "pending" status to a High school student's Grading.
A Student has missed a crucial Grade, and you want them to make it up?
By choosing the "pending" status for the missed assessment (called Reason for missing grades in Skolengo), no Grade will be awarded to the absent Student. In this way, the teacher does not fill in a grade in the Skolengo solution, and the student's average is not impacted or calculated on the Grading duty.
A replacement Assignment(s) will then have to be scheduled for the student to be graded and his/her GPA confirmed.
How do I enter a pending Grade? The Reply is in the online helpSkolengo Academy
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