Skolengo's Schooling module helps schools ensure that Class councils run smoothly. It is now possible on the Skolengo ENT/EMS to display the rank of each Student in the Class councils animation screens and on the results summary tables (PDF or Excel).
This new option enables Schools to display the rank of Students within their Class by Subject and for each desired period (by term, for example).
Displays the student's rank on his or her report card by Subject
If two students have the same average, they have the same rank and the next rank is not displayed. Example: if two students have the same rank 8, the next student will not have rank 9, but rank 10.
How do I access this new feature?
Schools are free to choose whether or not to display Student rank. The feature can be activated by ticking "Visible" on the "Student rank" line when editing the settings for a Class councils (in "Settings > Grading > Class councils").
See how to activate the display of Student rank in video :
And just think, whether you're running a Class council 100% remotely, or with just a few people at a distance, Skolengo's Videoconference service makes it easy to create and run a Class council in any circumstance.
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