Published on December 17, 2021 by Laure
Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01
Now you can import all the photos of students in a class, or a group of students, in just 1 click.
Would you like to set up a photo gallery for your language or Option group(s)?
Save time by importing several photos at once, whether for a Class, a Group or a selection of Students.
Each Teacher can Consult, download or print out his or her own Class and Student groups.
School staff and members of the Teaching team can also download a pdf version of the trombinoscope:
- of a class,
- a group,
- a selection of Students in a Class/Group.
Create a trombinoscope in 2 steps
1. Mass import Student photos
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2. download and print out a photo gallery
Download a class photo gallery
The trombinoscope can be downloaded in PDF format and then printed out. If a Student doesn't have a photo, his or her initials are displayed.
Trombinoscope in PDF format
Deliver on Skolengo Academy to find out more.
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