How do you prepare to export your LSU, LSL and Parcoursup data?

Published on May 19, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

Every year, as a School principal, you export your students' Schooling data to the LSU, LSL and Parcoursup. But how do you prepare your data for export?

Skolengo is certified level 3 in LSL export

The latest version of Skolengo meets the new requirements of the French Ministry of Education (MEN). It is now possible to enter :

  • an annual assessment for each Subject
  • specific DNL (non-linguistic subject) grades in the High school (LSL) report card

6 or 7 steps to successfully export your datato LSU, LSL and Parcoursup :

These downloadable infographics have been specially designed for management and teaching teams to help you prepare for exporting your data to LSU, LSL and Parcoursup.
To find out how to export your dataConsult the online help dedicated to the LSU, LSL and Parcoursupon Skolengo Academy.
To access Skolengo Academy, you need to be logged into your digital space by clicking on the question mark in the top right-hand corner of the interface.