Grading AND Skills, a key feature of the Schooling module


Published on January 20, 2021 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

Coralie BELLER, a mathematics teacher at a secondary school in Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, digital referent and ENT Administrator, shares her experience of using The attendance register and Grading services.

  • How long have you been using Skolengo's Schooling and Grading module?

    As soon as the module was implemented in the School. Everyone in the School was delighted to finally have a tool adapted tool forGrading by Skillswith an original interface. We also immediately tested the online Attendance registers. On the Teacher's side, we're striving to make Grading as paperless as possible, but we're also adapting to the needs of parents, who can't all log on to our site.

évaluations scolaires Skolengo
évaluations scolaires Skolengo

  • How do you use Grading duty?

This service does its job well when it comes to Grading duty. The interface dedicated to Class councils is very practical. very practical. The full-screen modemode means we always have overview of the Student's results at all times, while navigating through the various information concerning the Student.. The service provides one-click access to the student's Grades, Skills and Schooling information. Skolengo also offers us great flexibility in customizing school Gradings. It allows us to modify the titles of Skills or the groupings of Skills that are sometimes difficult for families to understand.
  • What do you see as the strengths of the Schooling module?

    This module allows us to enter Grades and Skills on the same interface.

  • How have teachers adopted it?

    After the pleasant surprise of that Grades and Skills could be entered on the same screenI helped my colleagues to get to grips with certain functions. I created tutorials to guide them through the process of entering quarterly summaries (Teacher interface or Form teacher interface), which made it much easier for them to get to grips with the system. Today, my colleagues particularly appreciate the export of Grade spreadsheets, or summaries integrating grades and averages on the same screen.

  • Do you use the Schooling module's Absence(s) service?

    As Teachers, we use the "Do the register" feature of the Attendance register. Absence(s) service. Many teachers use the Attendance register on the Mobile application when the situation calls for it (e.g. PE, lessons in a room without a computer): this makes it possible to quickly confirm a call. It's also very practical in the event of an evacuation drill! You can quickly find the list of students present to check that no one has got lost.

With this module, we have everything we need, and the solution evolves with user feedback.