Adopt Skolengo Primary for your school!

Published on February 16, 2021 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 12H01

Stimulus plan - Teaching continuity: the government has launched a call for projects for a digital foundation in schools. The aim of this stimulus plan is to make digital education more widespread, thereby ensuring teaching and administrative continuity.

Choose Skolengo Primary, the SaaS solution for your school

The scalable and modular platform platform adapts to the level of teaching and the needs of theschool. For example, Skolengo has a interface dedicated to primary educationwhich allows you to :

  • ensure Teaching and Settings continuity
  • conduct collaborative learning and collaborative activities to deliver student involvement
  • access multiple multiple Services with a single login and password
  • from carry out your assignments anywhere, anytime

Let's discuss your project
ENT Skolengo premier degré
ENT Skolengo premier degré
Primary Skolengo intranet
ENT Skolengo premier degré
Teaching & Settings continuity
ENT Skolengo premier degré
3600 Schools
5 million Users
ENT Skolengo premier degré
ENT Skolengo premier degré
ISO 27001-certified data center

+ interconnection with

Skolengo primaire s'interconnecte avec ONDE
Skolengo primaire s'interconnecte avec ONDE
Skolengo s'interconnecte avec le GAR
Skolengo s'interconnecte avec le GAR
Skolengo s'interconnecte avec Educonnect
Skolengo s'interconnecte avec Educonnect

Take advantage of multiple Services through a single account

Skolengo Primary offers you a wide range of integrated Services:

  • School website,
  • Secure Mailbox,
  • School intranet,
  • Activities calendar,
  • Production notebook,
  • Class blog,
  • Home liaison diary,
  • Exerciser,
  • The GAR media center,
  • Office software online tools
  • Videoconferences
  • ...

And for institutions,
Skolengo Primary is the perfect way to animate your school network.

How to equip your Skolengo Primary school?

Via the UGAP catalog, the central public purchasing body

Skolengo dans l'UGAP
Skolengo dans l'UGAP

Let's discuss your project together.

Fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible:

enter the word in the caption

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En savoir plus sur les mentions légales et la politique de confidentialité.