5 key steps to running Class councils with Skolengo
Skolengo helps schools ensure that Class councils run smoothly.
The Class councils are an important event in School life, as they mark the end of a period in the school year. It mobilizes all School players. To ensure that Class councils run smoothly and efficiently, find all the guides and dedicated resources (webinars, tutorials, infographics...) on Skolengo Academy, accessible from Skolengo in connected mode.
Below you'll find an infographic outlining the 5 steps to organizing your Class councils with Skolengo.
[Infographic] 5 steps to organizing Class councils in EMS Skolengo
LSU, LSL and Parcoursup exports
At the end of each school year, we recommend that you export your data to the LSU and LSL applications.
The Ministry of Education has confirmed the compatibility Skolengo's data export formats with the LSU Livret Scolaire Unique for Secondary schools, and the LSL Livret Scolaire for High schools.
Parcoursup exports have also been improved. The Skolengo interface automatically proposes a selection of classes and periods to be exported, and it is now possible to export an unlimited number of classes simultaneously.