Simplify the digitalization of your School!

Choose Skolengo, a modular SaaS solution dedicated to the world of education.

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+5 million Users in France and abroad

Skolengo, the Education Management Software (EMS) is a fully modular SaaS platform,dedicated to education and training establishments, as well as to institutions managing School networks.

Its ambition: to finely adapt to the needs of the education sector and optimize the operation School operations.

Who is Skolengo for?
Skolengo est déployé dans 70 pays
Skolengo est déployé dans 70 pays

Business software for every School

communication skolengo
communication skolengo


Develop and strengthen ties within your Educational community

collaboratif skolengo
collaboratif skolengo


Reinforce collaborative practices between Teacher and Students

pédagogie skolengo
pédagogie skolengo


Boost your teaching activities and provide individual support for each student

scolarité skolengo
scolarité skolengo


Ensure personalized follow-up of each learner: Absence(s) management, Grading...

emploi du temps skolengo
emploi du temps skolengo


Easily design and modify your School's Timetable
gestion skolengo
gestion skolengo

Settings & Finance

Simplify your School's administrative and financial procedures

restauration skolengo
restauration skolengo


Don't miss a beat! Manage catering and billing more efficiently

formation orientation skolengo
formation orientation skolengo

Educational counselling

Help students build their academic and professional careers

They trust us

Nantes université
Nantes université

"With the training offer, we communicate more effectively with our different targets thanks to a clear and effective display of our catalog."

Anne-Christelle SUIRE, Online Communications Manager at Nantes Université
logo mbn
logo mbn

"With Skolengo, I've succeeded in creating real collaborative work with the Students, making it easier to produce podcasts. Thanks to the blog, forum, agenda and shared folders, the students have become familiar with collaborative working."

Bruno CONRARD, Teacher, Mon Bureau Numérique project (Eastern France)
Groupe Saint Louis
Groupe Saint Louis

"By deploying a single solution to manage all catering operations in the School, from Primary school to High school, the teams have gained in efficiency. It's a real time-saver to benefit from a complete and flexible business solution."

Sophie CHAUVET, Accounting Manager, Groupe Saint Louis Crest


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